I’ve visited Washington D.C. several times in my life, but my most recent trip felt the most rewarding. As an intern for the Center for Plain Language, I’ve learned quite a bit about what plain language is, and why it’s important. The Center has been fighting for plain language in our government for years, an effort that culminated in the passing of the Plain Writing Act of 2010. Now, the Center is supporting a bill that Representative Braley introduced to the House of Representatives, the Plain Regulations Act of 2012.
In the quest for sponsorship of this bill, Annetta Cheek and I met with several staffers on the Hill, including the legislative assistant for my representative at home, Ron DeSantis, FL-06.
Though Representative DeSantis was not in D.C. during my time there, I was pleasantly surprised with how accessible his staff was. His legislative assistant, Zach Howell, met with us for a few minutes and discussed the Plain Regulations Act, and possible sponsorship by Mr. DeSantis during the next Congress. Though no firm conclusions were reached, Annetta and I both felt the meeting was positive. We will keep in touch with Mr. Howell during the next Congress.
I would encourage anyone with interest in plain language to make a visit to his or her Representative as I did. Even if you can’t make the trip to D.C., your representative’s office in your home district is another resource to express your interest in the Plain Regulations Act.
While our current political climate here is not the most conducive to bipartisan cooperation, the cause of plain language is one that has proven to be successful with both parties. With enough support from the public, the House of Representatives should be able to band together and pass a bill that will not only make the government more accessible, but also save money in a time of deficit economics. For more information on the Plain Regulations Act, visit this resource https://beta.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/1557/text.
If you are interested in helping with the Center’s support for the Plain Regulations Act, you can contact Annetta Cheek at alcplain@gmail.com.