Ginny Redish has been a passionate evangelist for plain language for many years. Through her consulting practice, Redish & Associates, Inc., Ginny helps clients plan, organize, design, write, and test all types of communications. Ginny is a charter member and former Board member of the Center for Plain Language.
Ginny’s pioneering work in plain language has brought her many awards, including the Center’s first award as Outstanding Plain Language Leader in the Private Sector. She is particularly pleased that the official United States definition of plain language comes from her work.
Reviewers rave about Ginny’s most recent book, Letting Go of the Words – Writing Web Content that Works, now in its second edition (2012). She has also written or co-written numerous articles and book chapters, as well as two of the classic books on usability.
Ginny is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College and holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Harvard University.