Don’t miss the Access for All conference October event! This conference marks the first time Clarity International, the Center for Plain Language, and Plain Language Association International (PLAIN) have joined […]
IHA Health Literacy Awards
Okay, raise your hand if you like to win.
Now, keep it up if you like to be recognized for your great work.
And, keep it up if you LOVE filling out long forms and writing up a check request for the entry fee for an awards program for which your odds of winning are just slightly better than the average Powerball drawing.
Plain Talk in Complex Times 2017
The MAXIMUS Center for Health Literacy is holding its sixth Plain Talk in Complex Times conference on August 30 at the Renaissance Washington, D.C. Downtown Hotel. This one-day conference is designed to build and sharpen your communication skills. Plain Talk is your opportunity to learn best strategies for consumer engagement from experienced professionals.
Unite with clarity champions at the ClearMark Awards
I’ll never forget my first ClearMark Awards.
My business partner, Deanna, and I had travelled to D.C. to attend the 2012 Clarity Conference and decided to stay for the Awards. As writers and clarity experts, we looked forward to learning more and seeing the best new work coming out of the plain language world. But after attending countless conferences and awards ceremonies, I had modest expectations.
World Usability Day
The airlines take a lot of guff for how they work – or don’t work.
We can complain about the boarding process. (Cattle in a chute?) And it’s fair to loathe the legroom. (Airlines could make a bundle selling knee-cap insurance). Being disgruntled at having to pay $7.50 for a bag of nuts and a Coke is surely a reasonable complaint, too.
But guess what? When it comes to good usability, Airlines have been doing one thing right for a loooong time.
PLAIN’s International Conference – Were you in Dublin?
On Sept. 17 – 20, 2015, our sister organization, the Plain Language Association International (PLAIN), held its 10th conference, co-hosted by Ireland’s National Adult Literacy Agency. Practitioners from around the world gathered in Dublin at the Dublin Castle to discuss and learn about plain language principles.
Speakers shared their expertise on an array of topics that gave us new insights into writing and designing with clarity.