Report finds mixed progress on plain language The first review since agencies were required to create plans for cutting the “bureaucrat-ese” from their dealings with the public found mixed results […]
Plain Writing Act
Who makes the grade? Plain language report cards for federal agencies
USDA Gets an “A;” VA Gets an “F” on First Plain Writing Act Report Card Released Today by the Center for Plain Language Rep. Braley and the Center for Plain […]
Federal agencies to receive grades on their adherence to the Plain Writing Act
How well are federal agencies adhering to the Plain Writing Act? The Center for Plain Language is issuing a “report card” grading several federal agencies on how well they are […]
Advocates of the Plain Writing Act prod federal agencies to keep it simple
Washington Post, April 8, 2012 Center for Plain Language chair Annetta Cheek spoke with reporter Lisa Rein about progress in implementing the Plain Writing Act. “Federal agencies must report their […]